(企業の)渉外係; 広告会社の社員の英語
大企業の社員: employee at a large corporation
大会社の社員: 1. employee of a big corporation 2. employee of a major firm
広告会社の外交員: salesman for an advertising firm
広告会社の幹部: advertising executive
企業の社員を装う: pretend to be from companies such as〔~などの〕
会社の社員名簿: firm's employment roll
旅行会社の社員: travel counselor
渉外係: 1. liaison clerk 2. liaison officer〔 【略】 LO〕 3. public relations man 4. public relations officer
広告会社: 1. advertising business 2. advertising company 3. advertising firm 4. advertising outfit 5. public relations firm
巨大広告会社: advertising giant
指定広告会社: agency of record〔 【略】 AOR〕
総合広告会社: full-service advertising agency
広告会社のコピーライター: copywriter for an advertising agency
会社の社長: top of the corporate ladder
インターネット関連企業の社員: dot-commer